Thank you for your continued support and cooperation during morning drop-off! We appreciate everyone’s efforts to make this process smooth and safe for our students. A special thank you to Mr. Baker for doing a fantastic job managing traffic each morning!
To help improve the flow and safety during drop-off, please keep the following tips in mind: 
  • Keep it quick: Morning drop-off is intended to be a brief curbside stop in the designated school drop-off area inside the roundabout.
  • Pull all the way forward: This helps keep the line moving and reduces congestion.
  • Park if needed: If your child needs extra time to exit the vehicle or retrieve items from the trunk, please park in a designated space.
  • Avoid U-turns: The main road is not a safe place for making U-turns.
  • Drop off only in the designated school drop-off area inside the roundabout: Please do not stop on the main road to drop off your child.
Safety is our top priority. This school year alone, there have been at least four incidents in the district where students were hit by vehicles while walking to school. Let’s work together to ensure morning drop-off is as safe and efficient as possible.
Thank you for helping us protect our students!